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I composti bahuvrīhi delle antiche lingue germaniche Analisi morfologica e semantica Caterina Saracco Università di Genova L’obiettivo di questo volume è lo studio morfologico e semantico del composto bahuvrīhi nelle antiche lingue germaniche orientali e occidentali, impiegando un approccio cognitivo. Questo framework aiuta a comprendere sia i meccanismi che rendono possibile la costruzione di tale composto, sia i meccanismi che contribuiscono alla creazione del suo significato. Per fare questo, dopo aver discusso circa il valore dell’endocentricità ed esocentricità in composizione, ci si focalizza sui composti bahuvrīhi in gotico, antico alto tedesco, antico sassone, antico frisone e anglosassone che presentano una struttura morfologica [A+N], [N+N] e [Num+N]. Lo spoglio delle fonti ha consentito di raggruppare 587 bahuvrīhi. A differenza delle lingue germaniche moderne in cui compaiono solo bahuvrīhi nominali, in passato questo composto era prevalentemente aggettivale e ne esistevano tre tipi: il lineare, l’esteso e il tipo invertito. Oltre a descrizioni più formali delle strutture morfologiche che concorrono alla formazione dei bahuvrīhi in queste lingue, si sono utilizzati anche modelli di rappresentazione morfologica propri della linguistica cognitiva. Viene data attenzione anche all’aspetto semantico, in particolare al motivo per cui molti dei bahuvrīhi delle lingue germaniche antiche possiedono una certa opacità semantica. La teoria della metafora e della metonimia concettuali spiegano la ragione di tali “devianze” semantiche. ISBN 9783969390009 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 31. 202pp. 2020. GRIMMATIK German Grammar through the Magic of the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales Margrit V. Zinggeler Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti Bringing together German grammar and the Brothers’ Grimm fairy tales offers a different and thematically unifying approach to learning and reviewing German grammar and it introduces students to the original German texts of the world- known and beloved fairy tales. The rationale for GRIMMATIK (coined of the name of the brothers, Grimm, and the German word for grammar – Grammatik) is to offer a learner-oriented, research-based concept of German grammar to intermediate students of German. GRIMMATIK addresses a multiple variety of grammatical elements in the analysis of every selected fairy tale. It is the student who finally constructs a German grammar, consecutively isolating the elements of speech, phrases, and sentence structures. Recognition of language patterns leads to paradigm segmentation and classification and eventually to internalization of language rules and the acquisition of grammatical competence. GRIMMATIK includes new technology and it offers tools to students to find lexical and structural patterns using the free Grimm Corpora on the Internet. GRIMMATIK is reasonably simplifying complex linguistic theories in order to offer to students, who already possess a certain degree of German language proficiency and grammar competence, a method to generate their own findings of structural grammar rules. Then something magical happens, the students are ultimately learning German grammar while they are reading and analyzing the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales! Margrit V. Zinggeler is an Associate Professor of German at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She has published several articles and presented papers on the methodology of GRIMMATIK. ISBN 9783895867200. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 26. 390pp. Illustrations of the Grimm Museum. 2007. A Graphic Overview of Old Icelandic Morphology Alan Bower The Old Icelandic language (also known as Old Norse) is considered the parent language of the present Scandinavian languages. It was a branch of the Germanic language family, and it was used in Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark up until the 16th century. Today it is perhaps best known as the language of the medieval sagas. The complex relationship between the Old Icelandic language itself and its orthographical representation leads to many problems for both students and teachers. In this analysis of the grammar and orthography of Old Icelandic a new approach is seen, with the classic presentation of "paradigms, rules, and exceptions to rules" now including an expanded presentation of structure to show various aspects of the language. Here extensive use of graphic representation has been drawn in, making more clear the features that lie behind the grammar and the orthography. In this way deeper and systematic aspects of the language can be examined in greater detail, with the hope that students and teachers will now have new tools for approaching the extensive literature written in the Old Icelandic language. ISBN 9783862885831. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 28. 85pp. 2014.