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Czech Church Slavonic in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries Miroslav Vepřek University of Olomouc The present volume is the first comprehensive description of the Czech recension of Church Slavonic used as cultural language in Bohemia in the 10th and 11th centuries. The author deals with the question of the origin of this language and its continuity with Old Church Slavonic, its linguistic character as well as the role of Latin and Greek in the Czech Church Slavonic milieu. He also treats the individual texts written in Czech Church Slavonic and their position in the cultural life of early medieval Bohemia. ISBN 9783969391099. Travaux linguistiques de Brno 15. 162pp. 2022. Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des Tschechischen und die tschechische Geschichte Bohumil Vykypěl Akademie der Wissenschaften, Brünn Im vorliegenden Band werden neue Perspektiven auf diverse Fragen der Geschichte des Tschechischen und der tschechischen Geschichte eröffnet. Einige Aspekte der Geschichte der keltischen und der slavischen Sprachen, insbesondere des Tschechischen, werden verglichen. Die Leistung der älteren tschechischen Grammatographie wird mit den Augen der funktionalstrukturalen Prager Schule gewürdigt. Das ältere Tschechische wird im Spiegel des Sprachkontakts betrachtet. Kulturelle Aspekte des Werkes von Vilém Mathesius und das Schicksal der tschechischen Linguistik unter den Kommunisten werden behandelt. Schließlich werden auch der Sinn der tschechischen Geschichte und die Stellung der tschechischen Kultur in Europa besprochen. ISBN 9783862887071 (Hardcover). LINCOM Studies in Slavic Linguistics 41. 236pp. 2016. Polish Ronald Feldstein & Steven Franks Indiana University, Bloomington A reference grammar which covers the essential points of Polish phonology, morphology, and syntax. Written to be usable by the general reader, not just the linguistics professional. Phonological information is presented from a combined phonogical and orthographical perspective, in order to introduce the Polish spelling system and its phonological values within a single chapter. Includes Polish minimal pairs and comparisons to English. Morphophonemic alternations are then set up, followed by individual sections on nominal, pronominal, adjectival, and verbal morphology. Verbal morphology is organized on the basis of a new application of the Jakobsonian one-stem system. Individual sections deal with specific semantic topics unfamiliar to English speakers, including verbal aspect, motion verbs, and numerals. The syntax section deals with general descriptive problems, but should also be of interest to more sophisticated users. Topics covered include issues of case and government, the use of pronominal clitics, the formation of questions and other sentence types, verbal agreement patterns, and verbal categories such as voice, mood, and aspect. ISBN 9783895864384. Languages of the World/Materials 393. 118pp. 2002.